metalshop / Frequently asked questions
The price for which you order the goods is the final one, we do not add any VAT nor anything else. The postage is added to the total price always before you send the binding order. See more delivery and postage details.
That’s the time we need to process your order, to pack it and send the goods. After that it depends on the shipper how much time it will take to deliver the package.
Goods can be searched by categories and subcategories that are sortting goods into more detail. You can choose according to groups, styles, brands and keywords in the search.
All the goods displayed on our website are also physically in store – that’s why in some cases it can be delivered in 3 days. If you haven’t found the size you need, just follow the website because it may occur later. We often change the current stock. You can definitely write us an email and ask about the date of availability. We simply don’t sell the goods that we don’t have physically!
Check this page - Size charts and measurement
We repeat again that the number of days displayed with the product is just the time we need to process your order, pack and send it, the rest depends on shipper. You’ll receive an email which will inform you about dispatching the goods the moment we send the package.
The stock and the showroom are both in Bystřice in the Czech Republic we have no other shop in the Czech Republic nor in Slovakia! See the details about how to get there here.
You can apply your discount voucher in the shopping cart under the tag "I have discount voucher".
Is your order at least for 10 EUR? If yes and though it’s not possible your browser probably does not support Javascript, try another browser or a different computer. If it still doesn’t work, copy your cart content to the email and send us your order via email.
That’s easy – log in and click on your nickname button in right upper corner.
We guarantee you th money return or the change if you send the product as soon as possible and it won´t be used. See more goods return details.
Sure it does! Active users with best profiles get the bonuses, discounts and awards. Furthermore you can check your pics of products you already bought (and we have approved the pics), you can comment others’ profiles or use your own as a personal webpage (in forums, comments, blog).
Please check first if it is possible to upload pictures of the product you’ve chosen and also if we still have the product in our offer. The picture needs to have its sides to be in 4:3 or 3:4 ratio so that it may be displayed always in the same way. Practically it means that its measurements must be in those multiplies, e.g. long side 400px to shorter one 300px or 800px to 600px etc.
We do not approve every picture – imagine how would it look like then? Already approved pictures are the best inspiration. The basic rules:
That's why :) We don’t want too many similar pictures but to have a set of original and unique pictures. You will always receive the reasons of approval/disapproval via email. It’s useless to ask us why your picture was not approved– we won’t have an access to the pic any more and also it’s a decision of a group of people.
Simply! After adding your products to cart choose how many bonuses you would like to use on that particular order (you can use maximum 2 bonuses on one order and they can’t exceed 30% of order price), then continue to the payment and the price will be automatically lowered!
Yes? Then you have a great discount on all partner festivals! No? So it's good time to order something :)
You just need to register as our client on the profile of the particular festival.
After successful registration you will receive a confirmation email.
Buy the ticket straight at the festival. It will be reserved with the discount on your name;)